Presented to the most outstanding narrative feature film of 2017 directed by or featuring a person of African descent in the leading role. To qualify for consideration, the film must have had have had a U.S. theatrical release, or broadcast premiere on a cable television or streaming platform during the 2017 calendar year.
Presented to the most outstanding scripted television series (comedy) of 2017 created by or featuring a person of African descent in the leading role. To qualify for consideration, the series must have had a U.S. television premiere on broadcast, basic, or premium cable, digital delivery and pay-per-view cable or pay-per-view digital delivery during the 2017 calendar year.
Presented to the most outstanding scripted television series (drama) of 2017 created by or featuring a person of African descent in the leading role. To qualify for consideration, the series must have had a U.S. television premiere on broadcast, basic, or premium cable, digital delivery and pay-per-view cable or pay-per-view digital delivery during the 2017 calendar year.